Sitecore PowerShell Series: Insert appropriate font icons into Sitecore Links

The Scenario

In my scenario, we’re dealing with a complete Sitecore Implementation where Coveo has been tacked on. Let’s say that we’ve just finished implementing a Coveo Search Results page for a particular section. After the search results page usually comes an example implementation of a Page that has stand-alone search behavior that redirects the user to the search results page. Let’s also say that this has been configured on an example page for now by adding the Coveo Hiv Search Box component within a Search Section and an External Components Section. The External Components Section includes a Datasource necessary for connecting the Coveo Hive Search Interfance and the Search Box includes a Datasource necessary for pointing the Search box to the search results page.

The Process

This process of setting up the Coveo stand-alone search behavior has to be done within Experience Editor due to dynamic placeholders and can take roughly 15-20 minutes per Page, especially if there are a lot of Rendering Parameters that need to be set up. In many cases, this example page with stand-alone search behavior has to be switched out on every page that previously had a searchbox. Handling this manually could take over a day to configure during a deployment to CM. A first thought could be to configure this within Std Values, but then you would have to reset every item’s Rendering Definition and completely lose any overrides of components per page. By using Sitecore PowerShell we can maintain the positioning with dynamic placeholders for the searchbox and versioning of each item that is swapped.

SPE Script: Swap out Renderings

The SPE script below will handle swapping out the old search component whether from Shared or Final Renderings and maintain the Rendering Parameters and Datasource from the Coveo Hive components on the example set up page:

#		This script will switch out old search renderings with new Coveo (custom) Hive Renderings
#			- The new Renderings will maintain the Rendering Parameters and Dynamic Placeholders from the single Page Item that is set up correctly
#			- The old search renderings can be removed from either Shared or Final layout

Write-Host "BEGIN: Query for pages that have the old Search Keyword Rendering in either shared or final __renderings"

## Query all pages that contain the old search rendering either within the shared or final layout
$queriedItems = Get-Item -Path master: -Query "/sitecore/content/Shared/pages/energy//*[contains(@__Renderings, '{D7C47D4D-C50E-4AEF-B805-1ADE1B854605}') or contains(@__Final Renderings, '{D7C47D4D-C50E-4AEF-B805-1ADE1B854605}')]"
Write-Host $queriedItems.Count " items found" -ForegroundColor "Green";	Write-Host ""

$reportOnly = $false
$finalItems = @()

## get the single item that has already been converted to the Coveo Hive stand-alone search: /Pages/Coveo Energy
$coveoStandaloneSearchboxContentItem = Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{9921DC61-47D7-4269-9758-749DD785E113}"

## get rendering items
$ri__ExternalComponentsSection = Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{F569344F-3933-45F1-92FE-F6A44159D2AE}"
$ri__GlobalSearchSection = Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{FDCEBA24-58B4-4279-BB7C-E605F5A32307}"
$ri__CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox = Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{E43BBC7B-2910-4B1E-8320-E3E747516826}"

## get rendering instances of renderings that we want to add that are pre-filled with Rendering Parameters (dynamic placeholder, datasource, etc.)
$renderingInstance_ExternalComponentsSection = Get-Rendering -Item $coveoStandaloneSearchboxContentItem -Rendering $ri__ExternalComponentsSection -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -FinalLayout
$renderingInstance_GlobalSearchSection = Get-Rendering -Item $coveoStandaloneSearchboxContentItem -Rendering $ri__GlobalSearchSection -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -FinalLayout
$renderingInstance_CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox = Get-Rendering -Item $coveoStandaloneSearchboxContentItem -Rendering $ri__CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -FinalLayout

Write-Host "Swap out old search box rendering for Coveo Searchbox Rendering and Hive counterparts"

$queriedItems | foreach-object {
    ## item must have layout
    if (Get-Layout $_)
        ## TESTING: only perform on single content item that is duplicate
        #if($_.DisplayName -ne "Copy of [Old Stand-alone Search Page]") { return }
        $isInShared = $false
        $renderingToRemove = Get-Rendering -Item $_ -Rendering (Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{D7C47D4D-C50E-4AEF-B805-1ADE1B854605}") -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -FinalLayout
        if($renderingToRemove -eq $null) {
            $renderingToRemove = Get-Rendering -Item $_ -Rendering (Get-Item -Path master: -ID "{D7C47D4D-C50E-4AEF-B805-1ADE1B854605}") -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default")
            $isInShared = $true
        ## remove old search box
            Remove-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $renderingToRemove -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default")
        } else {
            Remove-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $renderingToRemove -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -FinalLayout
        ## add new renderings to *shared
        Add-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $renderingInstance_ExternalComponentsSection -PlaceHolder $renderingInstance_ExternalComponentsSection.Placeholder -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -Index 0
        Add-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $renderingInstance_GlobalSearchSection -PlaceHolder $renderingInstance_GlobalSearchSection.Placeholder -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -Index 1
        Add-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $renderingInstance_CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox -PlaceHolder $renderingInstance_CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox.Placeholder -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") -Index 2
        ## get new rendering instances and set placeholders of each based on their unique ids
        $r1_instance = Get-Rendering -Item $_ -Rendering $ri__ExternalComponentsSection
        $r2_instance = Get-Rendering -Item $_ -Rendering $ri__GlobalSearchSection
        $r3_instance = Get-Rendering -Item $_ -Rendering $ri__CustomCoveoGlobalSearchBox
		## the unique id of the rendering instance (minus the curly brackets) is used within Coveo Hive after "dynamic_coveo"
        $r1_ph = $r1_instance.UniqueId.Substring(1,8).ToLower()
        $r2_ph = $r2_instance.UniqueId.Substring(1,8).ToLower()
        $r3_ph = $r3_instance.UniqueId.Substring(1,8).ToLower()
        $r2_instance.PlaceHolder = "/pagebody/body/main/rail/coveo-ui-external-components_dynamic_coveo{0}" -f $r1_ph
        Set-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $r2_instance -FinalLayout
        $r3_instance.PlaceHolder = "{0}/coveo-ui-global-searchbox_dynamic_coveo{1}" -f $r2_instance.Placeholder,$r2_ph
        Set-Rendering -Item $_ -Instance $r3_instance -FinalLayout
        $finalItems += $_
        Write-Host $

Write-Host "Final Items" $finalItems.Count -ForegroundColor "Green"


From the SPE script above, simply uncomment the line underneath “TESTING”, create a duplicate of any old stand-alone search page, and replace [Old Stand-alone Search Page] with said Item’s path. After running the script, the duplicate item will have swapped out the old search component with the Coveo Hive components.


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